Sunday, January 30, 2011

What is a Teacher?

A Teacher is defined as one who instructs. This seems  pretty simple. If you send your child to school the teacher should be "teaching" the subjects your child receives a grade in on their report card. That means Reading, Writing, Social Studies, Math, Science, Gym, Art, and Music. Occasionally another subject or two is thrown in like Spanish or Technology.

Has your child ever received a grade for Manners or how about for Making Good Decisions? Yet from Kindergarten through Middle School teachers are held accountable, yes I said accountable, by many parents for teaching these skills to their children.

What happened to parenting?

What class in college taught a teacher how to fit in their 6 hour day...Respect 101?

Does it squeeze naturally into a 40 minute class period that isn't long enough to cover the curriculum for the day anyways?

So again I ask...what is a teacher? One who instructs? What do they instruct...just their assigned subjects?