Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Each day as a middle school teacher I ask my students to be accountable. I want them to bring a pen, pencil and paper to class. I also want them to do their homework each evening and return each morning. I do my best to make sure that EVERY assignment that I send home is designed to help the student practice something important and NOT just be busy work.

I AM a parent, but I am not the student's parent.

I don't expect parent's to do the child's homework for them, but I do expect the parent to set expectations for how and where homework is done. It should not be done in front of the television while watching their favorite TV show, while on the cell phone, or while laying in bed listening to music. The kitchen table will do if a desk isn't available, but a proper work environment is necessary.

The parent is ACCOUNTABLE for knowing WHAT their child DID in school that day.

The parent is ACCOUNTABLE for knowing HOW their child DID in school that day.

It is NOT the Teacher's responsibility to call the parent each day to update the parent about how the child is doing. The Teacher has to update grades in a timely manner and notify parent's whenever a student's behavior changes in a manner that is out of the ordinary.

It is fair to expect a Teacher to respond to any parent correspondence in a timely manner as well. I am in no way taking everything away from the teacher, but I am definitely placing much more responsibility and A LOT more Accountability back in the Parent's hands where it truly belongs.

At the middle school level, student's are learning independence and if they want to earn that they need to be held Accountable and reminded that it is up to them to communicate what is going on at school each day if they are going to have a successful relationship with both their teachers and their parents throughout the rest of their School Career.

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